Your people give you the distinctive character, directly affect customer satisfaction, make you successful, or don't they...
Look beyond behavior, knowledge and skills and make work of what is beneath there. With the help of our personal and team analyzes and intervisions you literally make visible where the real forces are.
The current customer knows the facts and figures. Orientation is a piece of cake and he/she has all kinds of instruments at his/her disposal. But what is not easily found and recognizable is added value. How do you bind customers without repeating what they already know?
This essential change requires a different way of working, thinking and communicating and management from you and your company.
Change management? Change your management approach!
Personal branding is not just about finding your individual style, but especially making visible your, sometimes hidden, talents. You can really be competent and know many things, but if it is not visible for the people around you, it is not there.
What other people perceive of you is one thing, but what they say about you is your market value. What do other people say about you? What do you stand for, what are you showing others?