Talent becomes performance, the added value of assessments?
Every individual is made up of unique building blocks, their needs, talents and abilities. Sometimes these are different to the individual’s actual and visible behaviour.
Under the surface affecting this behaviour that you can see, are motivations, needs, values and standards. There are other factors that affect behaviour too, like the surroundings, like your organization they work in.
The effect is either positive or negative and because we all want to affect people’s behaviour positively, you need to touch the talents, motivations and needs underneath. Generally people don’t easily disclose these. And that’s where assessments have an added value.

Personal and Team Analyses - Powerful tool
Windkracht-11 has in cooperation with psychological advice bureau Castor Fiber Group we have developed a powerful tool. This (online) analysis provides a clear personal blueprint, consisting the following elements:
Personal and Team analysis - possibilities
It is possible to use several analyses or a combination of analyses depending on the requirements. Some examples are selection, mobility, choice of profession, development, re-integration and reviews.
The analysis is a good starting point for a personal development plan. It helps to determine neccesary education/ training sessions and offers managers extra support to successfully execute performance management or competence management. It provides the right foundation for an effective dialog. Talking about added value!
For team programs and management development programs, the analysis also offers a good starting point. The strength of connection, the strength of diversity in a team and also the risks become visible. What do we need to work on together, what do we develop and what do we keep as it is because it is working well already?
Would you like to find out more about what this powerful tool can do for you? Please apply using the factsheet below!