Our 70-20-10 rule
The speed of change has overtaken our learning ability. Beautiful competences and skills develop in your organization, but the outside world does not wait for the time it takes. Windkracht-11 brings the New Way of Learning to your organization.
In all our processes we apply the 70-20-10 rule. Whether it concerns personal development plans, executive coaching or management development. 70% activation in the workplace- 20% depth and finesse through conversations, interaction and coaching and 10% in the traditional way on the basis of theories, books, training and education.
The New Way of Learning? That is the return on investment of your training budget.

The World After Midnight
Be inspired by the TED movie by the work of Eddie Obeng. Obeng talks about the "The World After Midnight". The speed of change has overtaken our learning ability and that is why we live in the so-called "dark".
If we do not "learn to experiment smart" (and therefore sometimes fail) it will not work at all, according to Obeng. That life in the dark has consequences how we look at organizing learning. Because in the dark the learning ability is bankrupt, changes take place faster than the pace at which we can learn.