Time for the wind of change!

Darwin explained to us a long time ago: Not the strongest or the most intelligent ones will survive, but those who can adapt the best to changes.

This is your moment to be open to change and train your skills.

Windkracht-11, dutch for Windforce-11, offers you and your organization training, coaching and consulting in a fresh and modern way.

We are specialists in building effective teams and communication and presentation.

We will help you to lead, learn, work and communicate in a way that fits these rapid changing times.


Working together, communicating and leading nowadays

A resilient and flexible organization able to weather any storm...We have yet to meet the person who says no to that.  But how do build an organization and teams like that?

We invite you to explore the five themes below and have a closer look at our vision and approach.

communication - presentationa


The answer we get 9 out of 10 times when we ask: what can be improved in your organization. Yet, it will never change overnight.....

Our powerful and interactive workshops, training and individual coaching programs will help you to develop your skills for sure. 


Communicating and presenting yourself with impact


Leadership, we think the most important building block. Learn how the live up your leadership values. Ensure everyone is aimed at going the same direction. Create pro-active leaders who take care. 

Develop Strong leadership and teambuilding skills


Effective teamwork makes the dream work.  Our 3 step action plan does work, for sure. Many companies benefit from this approach. Ready for your first step?


What makes a group of individuals a team?

breaking non effective patterns

How do your break non effective patterns? By seeing them first and than, act upon them. With some guidance...We use family and team constallations, Deep democracy and more.

Breaking non effective patterns by seeing them first

retreats and workations

Call it retreat, call it workation. Most important that you are hosted on an inspiring location to push the reset button and collect new insights and inspiration..

Your reset button! Refreshing Retreats and Workations


Effective teamwork makes the dream work.  Our 3 step action plan does work, for sure. Many companies benefit from this approach. Ready for your first step?

What makes a group of individuals a team? See the undercurrent

breaking non effective patterns

How do your break non effective patterns? By seeing them first and than, act upon them. With some guidance...We use family and team constallations, Deep democracy and more.

Breaking non effective patterns by seeing them first

retreats and workations

Call it retreat, call it workation. Most important that you are hosted on an inspiring location to push the reset button and collect new insights and inspiration..

Your reset button! Refreshing Retreats and Workations

Others about Windkracht-11

About Windkracht-11

Carola Smits - Eigenaar Windkracht 11

Carola Smits

I am Carola Smits, entrepreneur and owner of Windkracht-11

Els van Hekesen

My name is Els van Hekesen, entrepreneur and business partner of Windkracht-11.

Corina Evers

My name is Corina Evers, entrepreneur and business partner of Windkracht-11.


Janine Pormes

My name is Janine Pormes, entrepreneur and business partner of Windkracht-11.

Jolanda Dortmans

My name is Jolanda Dortmans, entrepreneur and business partner of Windkracht-11.


Would you like to know what Windkracht-11 can do for you? Fill in below our contact form, or contact us directly at 033 - 285 34 96 or e-mail us.

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