Personal Branding = Personal Leadership
I wouldn’t do personal branding justice by saying that it’s a tool every professional should use. I even think personal branding is a lifestyle. First look after yourself then you’ll be able to look after others well.
Personal branding is not just about finding your individual style, but especially making visible your, sometimes hidden, talents. You can really be competent and know many things, but if it is not visible for the people around you, it is not there. What other people perceive of you is one thing, but what they say about you is your market value. What do other people say about you? What do you stand for, what are you showing others? Strangely enough they don’t always correspond. Just use your image cleverly and combine it with the means you’ve got available these days, but use them wisely!
Personal Branding contributes to flexibility, employability, and empowerment. It’s an answer to many of the challenging but complex dilemmas, we as managers or as individual people, face. The sum of the different individuals. All the personal brands in an organisation together, form the employer brand. This is what makes Personal Branding so interesting for organizations, their development and nowadays also the recruitment strategy.

Personal Branding is an instrument, not a goal itself
As a leader are you ready to influence behavior of people surrounding you? Do you want that dream job and do you want to distinguish yourself from the rest? Take the initiative and work on your personal leadership skills. Use Personal Branding to learn to use the right tools and make your image your strength:
Own publication Personal Branding
I did my research on the connection between personal leadership and personal branding and their success rate involving leaders of many diverse organizations. These were the effects and results:
Above all: fun, energy and passion for running a business. Look after yourself first and then you can look after others. This research forms the foundation of the methods used by Windkracht-11 for leadership and personal development.