Some examples of recent topics

Business Conversations, Negotiating & Influencing, Personal presentation and networking.
So many people, so many desires. How to increase your impact without losing your authenticity? Learn how to connect, negotiate with trust and communicate with the right impact!

Time Management and Personal Effectiveness.
Time is our worst enemy, you always have to little of it and too many things to do. But can you manage time?
We know there is more to it than just saying "no" or learn how to delegate. Kill the I'am-always-busy-syndrome in just 4 steps!

Transparante communication, the power of Feedback
Not all competences can be developed. A training course is not a bandage for every injury. We are the first to admit. We are specialist in effective behavior and building effective teams and combine several methods that do change behavior.
Some more examples: In company workshops
Building Agile Teams
How to implement the Agile way of working in your organization and lead accordingly
Learn how to deal with the diversity in your teams and learn how to prevent or handle a conflict.
Remote working, a blessing or a curse
new ways of working emerge, how to shift from control to self-management and management of output
Talent development for Hr professionals
This workshop offers 6 keys tot a successful and new ways of HR development and talentmanagement strategy.
HR Essentials
A complete program for HR professionals and potentials
The power of connecting
Teambuilding for management teams, how use individual strength and build powerful teams.
Communication is key
It's not distance that keeps people apart, but lack of communication. Build better relationships, better teams, better organizations.
The invisible leader
Grow your impact as an officemanager or personal assistant